Straub’s Pioneering Journey in Deglutition 

Walter J. Straub, an orthodontist based in California, worked closely with the IAOM founders before they formulated the concept of creating the IAOM nonprofit. This will be the story of h they came together and shared their vision for the field of myofunctional therapy and Orofacial Myology. He is renowned as the “Paul Revere of deglutition” by Hanson and Mason (2003). His journey began in 1951 when he started lecturing on oral muscle function and tongue malfunctions, sparking a wave of interest within the orthodontic community. By 1958, Straub’s influential lectures not only captivated orthodontists nationwide but also garnered internation attention, raising awareness about tongue thrust and swallowing patterns, alternatively known as “perverted swallowing” by Straub in his groundbreaking work. 

Advancing Clinical Documentation and Research 

Despite initial skepticism from peers due to the lack of therapeutic techniques in his presentations, Straub’s fervent belief in addressing the swallow problem led him to employ speech pathologists in his practice. Through meticulous documentation of over 500 patients, photography, films on swallowing, and detailed therapeutic protocols, Straub propelled t formerly obscure issue of deglutition into the spotlight as tongue thrust, reshaping perceptions and practices in the fiel 

Establishing Professional Training Standards 

Straub’s dedication extended beyond clinical practice as he began offering professional development and training courses at his office, attracting dentists and speech therapists ea to learn. This pivotal period marked the genesis of what would later evolve into the International Association of Orofacial Myology (IAOM), with founding fathers like Barrett, Zickefoose, Hanson, and Peachey, all inspired by Straub’s pioneering work and vision to advance orofacial myology. 

IAOM’s Vision and Modern Impact 

Straub’s pioneering research has helped IAOM create the vision of “A world without orofacial myofunctional disorders, where every individual can breathe, sleep, and eat well.” 

Building upon the foundational work of visionary Walter J. Straub, the International Association of Orofacial Myology (IAOM) continues to collaborate with professionals who validate and amplify the concepts Straub researched. Straub’s pioneering ideas laid the groundwork for IAOM, shaping a path towards excellence in orofacial myology. 

Continuing Straub’s Legacy Through Education 

All course instructors at IAOM uphold the professional standards set forth by Straub, ensuring a consistent commitment to quality education and helping to teach to the IAOM Certificati standard. By following Straub’s guiding principles, IAOM cultivates a community of practitioners dedicated to upholding the highest standards of care and practice in orofacial myology.

By promoting education, certification, and adherence to Straub’s ideals, IAOM strides towards future where excellence in orofacial myology helps individuals achieve optimal health and well-being. 

Meta Description: Discover how Walter J. Straub’s pioneering work in tongue thrust and deglutition shaped the International Association of Orofacial Myology (IAOM) and its modern standards. 

Category: IAOM History 

Tags: Straub, Bill Zickefoose, COM Certification, Founders, Galen Peachey, IAOM History, J Zimmerman, Marvin Hanson, Orofacial Myology Education, Orofacial Myology History